Friday, May 6, 2016

Brand Spankin' New

I think that tonight's blog should expound on the blurb that I posted on Facebook with the receipt and the mountain of brand spanking new clothes from Kohl’s today.

It was truly epic. I didn’t really want to go shopping today, but our other plans had to be postponed. That’s ok. We were also heading to Kohl’s to spend our 10 Kohl’s bucks from the last time we went shopping there to get some things for our trip to Cali. That was before we purchased our tickets for our trip to Moz. So I convinced my hubby that we couldn’t take a trip half way around the world, It is literally half a world away if you just run your finger from the somewhere near the center of Colorado to the middle of Mozambique you will find that it is half over and on the opposite hemisphere. That makes it pretty perfect for shopping for winter clothes for low low prices. Great! I want to write that like Tony the Tiger on a box of Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes. But that would be just a little too cheesy.

Well, if you don’t know what Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes are, I’m sorry for the impossible image reference. He was my favorite box to read during breakfast as a kid. Tony the Tiger is so cool.

Oh my goodness. What does that have to do with getting new clothes for kids? Well everything makes sense. I will tell you why this makes sense.

I was remembering some of the things that just made me happy as a kid. One of them was getting brand new clothes from a department store, shoe shopping with my mom, making cookies, and eating the brand name cereal because their boxes were awesome to look at. I don’t think that it tasted much different from the store brand cereal, but I loved to read all the words on the boxes. Seriously, that’s where the correlation comes from.

Not too much of a story there. But then again there isn’t always something grand to write about.
We are just so thrilled to go shopping for our boys and girls, young men, and even mama’s and papa’s who care for the children. Once we get started we don’t stop though! We think that the suitcases will be determining the limit! It’s so great to get brand new, high quality clothes as presents. It’s  great for frugal parents to purchase brand new, high quality clothes for 90 percent off on clearance because they are out of season in America, but perfect for Southern African Winter.

So that’s way G-R-E-A-T.

Sorry I did it. It’s even cheesier on the box. So fun!!!

Maybe this is why I love kids. They don’t judge me too harshly for my sillies.
Ok that’s enough for tonight, because if I keep writing like this I’m gonna sound way to giddy.
It happens sometimes. Maybe it’s because my hubby and I feel like we hit the jackpot with a savings of nearly 2200 bucks! Thank you Jesus!


Oh my goodness, if that doesn't sound like a goofy commercial!

But it’s absolutely real, and our kids are going to be super happy. The girls’ dresses and sweaters are so sweet, the boys will look handsome in their new sweaters, and long sleeve T’s. Most of all, they will be reminded of just how special they are. We want them to know that they are GREAT Kids, and we love them.

Thank you to everyone who cheers us on as missionaries. Your love and support is so important. Each thought, prayer, dime and nickel, present and visit helps us know when to be lavishly loving by spending four hours picking out clothes for our big international family!

You Rock! (as my lovely missionary friend Andrea says)

Lots of love,

Missionary Momma Mia

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